1. 1Upload Audio
  2. 2Write/Edit Lyrics or Sub
  3. 3Download Lyrics Video

Select an MP3 Audio

Online Lyrics Maker

Our online lyrics video maker tool helps you create a lyrics visualizer for your music using a pre-determined template of your choice. Our web application supports all browsers and can be used on all devices. Our lyrics video maker includes a studio that enables you to write your own lyrics on the go and preview them live. If you already have a lyrics/subtitle file, you can submit it and instantly create your lyrics visualizer.

Why You Should Use Our Lyrics Video Maker

Creating lyrics video for your audio and music contents comes with some costs, but with our Online Lyrics Video maker, you can easily make a Lyrics visualizer for your audios with just some clicks.

No Video Watermark

We don't watermark the visualizer you create with our app. The videos are entirely yours, and you are free to use them however you like without giving credit to us.

100% Free, No Hidden Charges

Our service is 100% free. You don't need to submit a credit card to access our service or fund any account. As soon as you click the start button and upload your audio, your visualizer will be ready for download.

Chose the template of your choice

You can freely choose from our readily available templates. Each template carries their own stylings and appealing visuals.

Compatible With all Devices

Our web app is compatible with all devices and browsers, allowing you to create music or audio visualizers from the comfort of your home without any limitations.

No Registration Required

You are not required to make any registration in order to use our online visualizer maker. It is open to all!

Create Unlimited Lyrics Visualizers

You can create an unlimited amount of lyrics videos. Our system has no limitations on the numbers of videos you create.

Visualizermaker is an online visualizer creator for content creators and artists. Our web-app creates appealing visualizers from your submited audio and image.
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